Without science I'm in terror, bewildered by the flame

without science I'm taken, by Dr. Blood Letting Insane 

without science I'm pedestaled, risen up with the God

without science I'm ridiculed, put out as a dirtiest dog

Without science I'm possessed, by devil underground!

without science I'm evil, hogtied then dutifully bound

without science I'm gone, never fact as explains there

I'm simian sans the science, an ape man stuck in fear

Privilege, power, ego, greed

ape hypocrisy and tyranny!

Buckle up now little piglets

be as the freedom un-freed!

I'm navigating a human life, and I want to be like Newton

he's on my team with Pascal, as for them I'm only rooting

Astronomer Galileo Galileo! he's way up high with Kepler,

or Galen lesser known, the father of anatomy's dissectors

oh Leonardo DaVinci, now whom hasn't heard that name

sees Nicolaus Capernicus's sun center solar system fame 

Aristotle and Hippocrates, the Greeks were first on board!

but my GOAT's deGrasse Tyson, I like his scientific sword

Buy the ticket

And take the ride

Do loops the loops

Fly high and wide

Kick the bucket

And join the rest

Before you go

Just do your best

The jury is out

We're done and soon hung

Our last jigs are up

Our songs have been sung

Good news is just in

We're now on the wise

Our learning curves quick

Twin truth without guise

Someplace to go, somewhere to stay

somewhere knows, someplace I say

Someone to love, anyone my sweets

someway I'll win, anyhow I'd defeat

Let's write twenty-thousand sonnets

20,000 practice hours become expert

says wilt he's slept twenty thousand,

so I think 20.000 will definitely do it!

Nowhere to run

No place to hide

Under the gun

Cut up and dried

Nowhere to go

No place to be

Not in the know

Lost out at sea

Nowhere to cope

No place to heal

End of the rope

Such a bum deal!

I'm sad, I'm hurt, I'm frustrated and angry

if I leave her I'll still be all this plus lonely

Being by myself shan't diminish this blue

if I go, I'll be alone pain sharply reminded

Well-meaning words

Much misconstrued

Dull stony barbs

Old pooches screwed

Sharp needles stuck

Acts out of line

I stab your back

Now you stab mine

Look at the Devil's advocate making counterpoints galore

squatting on Nihilist barstool jacking off to porno whores,

telling me the cannabis turns my brain to dummy's mush

your hypocritical boring has me mouthing the word hush

Don't forget I'm your idiot, here in our Thens of now's

oh, there 'tis a before and she's underneath somehow,

the Thens I've bad lived do follow me right up to here

choices I make now then turns all memories to cheer