There's a thorn in my side

That never stops chafing

A hole dark and daunting

As stark madness raving

My thorn seeks assuagement

In a place who knows where

Incomplete and halfway

Never quite getting there

There's a thorn in my side

That just keeps on aching

A sore deep and wounding

As bleeding hearts breaking

I'm a temporary man with a temporary thought

wearing temporary suits temporarily I had saw,

I'm live camouflage in temporary human being,

oh, I'm a temporary thing, according to the law!

I'm 'pon the US Wait-n-Sea!

improvise my ship doth not 

hear a life shall wait for me

time redeeming all but lost!

It's a temporary life

with a temporary time

It's a temporary poem

with a temporary rhyme

It's a temporary ride

with a temporary spin

It's a temporary walk

with a temporary grin

It's a temporary road

with a temporary bend

It's a temporary run

with a temporary friend

I got caught in the attachments of the world

poor relative judgment became my moniker,

now I've let it all go and made new mantras

ordinary balance end analogous awareness

No one is more equal

Nor less faultlessly built

We're but all broken bits

Of the same mortal quilt

No one is less worthy

Nor more perfectly made

We're but all damaged goods

Of defective low-grade 

No one is less human

No more flawlessly blest

We're but all on the blink

Of a life soon at rest

Yes, and what we've done with our twin lives,

'tis a movie in the can exploring rise and falls

Whilst what we're doing here in our late lives

'tis proof gentle man, we're now standing tall!

There's only you, which is me

And then there's me, which is you

So alike it's plain to see

Sunkissed atoms through and through

Love's the universal pact

Signed by you, and also me

Such a simpleminded act

Wide-eyed truth on bended knee

I'm posting, publishing, soon peeking

I've been doing this all day in and out

At moment I believe I'm also peaking

hoping some day's kind to my shouts

I'm mending on a heartstring

healed in bath salts of reason

I feel like sobriety had led me

off an old lane in self-treason

Sometime went to her tolling

processing fate must survive,

I love to see ordinary balance

equally psychologically alive

Well then, what do I stand for?

'tis personally and only for me

which's one's the most upright

just Buddha say now I can see!

Reach reach reach down inside

Deep in the comfy numb

The place of toxic flaws

Where virulence comes from

Pull pull pull the heartstrings

Dead to the broken soul

The place of self-reproach

Where sorrows take their toll

Reach reach reach for the sky

Dark as the bitter moon

The place of run and gun

Where pipers play their tune