The Lilly Bros
This is a link to our song about twinship called "The Lilly Bros". The lyrics are ours, the rest is all Mars. Watching this is one of my favorite things to do.

We are the Lilly Bros
One follows where the other one goes
What one thinks the other one knows
We're the Lilly Bros
We are the Lilly pads
What one's got the other one has
Even though it's all by chance
We're the Lilly Bros
Oh, yeah, we're identical
Oh, yeah, we're inseparable
We are the Lilly Bros
One egg one sperm two embryos
Made the same from head to toes
We're the Lilly Bros
Oh, yeah, we're adorable
Oh, yeah, we're incorrigible
We are the Lilly Bros
Which one's which nobody knows
Side by side through life we go
Oh, yeah, we're identical
Oh, yeah, we're inseparable
We are the Lilly Bros
One follows where the other one goes
We're the Lilly Bros