Pain in life is universal
Suffering par for the course
Loneliness comes with the turf
Companionship its counterforce
Slings and arrows all-embracing
Mournfulness across-the-board
Lonesomeness part of the deal
All stings fair square upon the sword
Pain in life is universal
Suffering par for the course
Loneliness comes with the turf
Companionship its counterforce
Slings and arrows all-embracing
Mournfulness across-the-board
Lonesomeness part of the deal
All stings fair square upon the sword
Oh, I want to feel glorious, be as worthy and admired
yet my ambience 'tis unrenowned, pitiful and retired
I long for splendorous beauty, to be qualities sublime
but everything's resembling, pure dishonor in my lie
I hope to be exalted, remembered hero to one and all
yet my history disgraceful, has me too late to un-fall
Thank-you all for being here today!
as I know Marshall's not in heaven,
and he's not looking down upon us,
yes, he's just before ever being born
as nothing in our fading memories!
Standing outside my bedroom window, my head against the screen,
I'm gazing 'pon my place in the world, as everywhere I've ever been
I've lost this spot to search again, and supposedly found once more,
room in the world for me to thrive, runway from whence I can soar!
We're all Karen's
Men and women alike
Lost in the dark
Yokes of the human psyche
We're all clueless
Smart or dumb no matter
Wild and wacky
Mad as the next hatter
I'm an original Karen who'd tell you what's what
tarnished spoon in my mouth, a stick up my butt
I'd criticize everything, two cent worth a big zero
delusionally believing I'm the human being hero
in pathetic, whiny bitchy and complaining retort
I'm right you're wrong, my periods ending report
The yarn 'tis true, a well-known fact
Jesus up in heaven, drives a cadillac
he rise from dead to move his stoner
to suck on pussies and eat the boner
he licks all flesh, bird mammals fish
for him to bite me 'tis a hardon wish
then I can be a crazy ghoulie as well
smells like pearls, but reeks like hell
If you think gods are real, eat my shorts
Gods are not real but fictitious
Man-made trumped up and make believe
If you think you know someone is
looking down on you, eat my shorts
Truths are not what you say you know
Truths are found only in science
Heaven's not a place, eat my shorts
The truth and nothing but the truth
As found in Romans 69:
Keep your folk tales out of my mouth!
There is no God and there are no Gods, they're culture's fiction and they're fake
the deity stories are all made up, just like tall tales by Twain for goodness sake
there is no truth in superstitious lore, the fact base came before there's science
in modern observations, all creators of yesteryear are far out from compliance
there's no Forrest Gump and no Huck Finn; as real life will never be their forte
the belief you hold 'tis not non-fiction, and invalid doesn't matter who you say
I'm a practicing Buddhist pushing loving kindness well,
but then the word arrives may you all go straight to hell
I'm feeling quite hopeful for a future family of mankind,
yet the next gesture made 'tis of you kissing my behind!
I'm trying to remember ne'er to judge gossip nor malign
still I'm calling you a loser in present moment real time
I've done tons of therapy to heal a trauma from my past
while diarrheas brew within my stinking-thinking ass!
The fires swept up and down dry hills
Hot blazing flames stoked by the wind
Consuming Californian homes
Homeowners angry and chagrined
Before the fires not one complaint
Plump lotuslands of status quo
Soil rife with rich pomposity
Taxpayers rolling in the dough
Their coliseums blazed to ash
Shock turned to finger-pointing blame
Like Romans gluttonized by greed
Complacency fanned every flame
Mirror mirror on the wall
Who's the greatest of them all?
Scientists who seek the truth
Fighting folly nail and tooth