We toss and turn like mental patients

From clean slate to Pavlovian mind

Yearning for omniscient approval

Our sapience caveman-like inclined

We hem and haw like unsung heroes

From innocence to self-protection

Forging robust special-needs egos

Of able-bodied imperfection

We carry on like New York minutes

From first breath to final fatal throes

Seeking meaningful recognition

In triumphs chic as emperor's clothes

We come and go like mad geniuses

From humility to who's the boss

Trading truth for popularity

Our brief life spans saddened by the loss

Looking back into the passage of the past

Deep into the long straight hole of existence

Where unremitting memories start and stop

Like subways click-clacking from out of the dark

Seeking truth inside the tunnel of lost time

Dark beyond the illuminated exits

Where regrets and pure delights step on and off

Like tourists seeking out the finest locales

Beating back against the rushing cavern walls

Chanced upon each arrival and departure

Where wayward spirits reach out for one last ride

Like ghosted hobos hoping all is not lost

Just listen to Buddha you'll be okay,

don't listen to what dumb fucks say

the humblest ones are wider awake

well again and away from the frays

Healthy Sapiens' share food as a matter of wellbeing!

how ironic some humans think sharing is weakness

Karma sayeth fat fart has a heart attack in his veins!

feels his sad death expedites better as happy demise

The poo-poo's pouring out of me like voodoos!

camping 'pon swampy Cambodian monsoons

The best pee-pee I've made in over four years!

brings a helping of forethought to happy tears

I'm a Neanderthal here in the East

an East knows me better than I do

East tribes traded peacefully often 

West clans just cranium slaughter

Only if I'm living in the truth can I feel joy

I missed a lot of great joy living in my lies,

I thought at the time, I'm perfectly alright!

I couldn't see the truth I got skinned alive

A little girl's giggle 'tis the most valuable thing 'pon earth,

only wee boys' blush hath equanimity with such revenue

I've got to get more in!

Afore I head to the bin

Don't know how when

but 'tis soon my friend

How many times have we moved?!

You and I all together or separate??

enough to keep most folks amused

and numbers with magnitude I bet

I'll Gan Ja now until I die

I see all the reasons why!

Helps me feel well inside

'tis my Gan Ja happy cry!

I take my morning dips

into the blue-green sea

And wonder if my heart

will make its final plea

And if my heart gives out

and whereupon I drown

I'll take one final breath

and let myself slip down

Above the sandy floor

Beneath the final wave

I'll thank my lucky stars

and greet my soggy grave