Love it when you like 'em,

feels meh when you don't

response always welcome,

can't please you if I won't!

All organized thought and no play

makes Marshall a miserable Karen

If at first you don't poem

pen, pen, then pen again.

If you fall off your poems

get right back on the pen.

Winners do always poem,

and quitters never do pen.

Early birds catch the odes,

tortoises out pen all hares.

By atomic matter light and dark

in Universal cells and molecules

thy yes retort tugs sapient heart

as poetry's affirmative romancer

When multiple Nobel Prize winning astrophysicist 

Dr. I. M. Objektiv discovered how to control atomic

energies and weaponized a supercomputer capable 

of complete domination over all biological impulse 

he ordered the extermination of 7.2 billion humans

The glory days of poetry hath ended

times for hardened quietness begins

as I goggle into a cold eye tyrannical

pie sky liberties remain my only sins

I can forestall my central nervous system's

level or strength of activity by sipping alky

thusly decreasing all my emotional feeling

but I like living a purely human experience

Here in the presence of cellular might,

whilst still alive in time's sacred power

I remember my belief in science truths

and accept a breath late 'pon our hours

Now at these moments of real purpose,

when everything's at factualized intent

I study at love light and compassionate

and seek all searching kindnesses scent

In the routine box of everyday life

where mundane normally repeats,

a boring exists as commonly good

entertained by all others tall feats

If extraordinary 'tis dream's desire

our waiting's surely not an answer,

and big wishes met before endings

ring up an unusually poetic dancer

Pushing sixty-four and somebody needs me

my ten almost eleven-year-old stepson Yen,

first born child of my Cambodian wife Eang 

got asked in school if he had a father figure

 replied yes, and the man's name is Mr. Marshall

when next asked what line of work his father makes

Won't be the sad Ebenezer Scrooge uncle

shan't act as mean, grumpy Uncle Grinch

can't feel me far away, aloof Uncle Forget

so, I play Uncle Young at Heart Ever Since

Got close again to what Buddha here says

since I'm alive in fine Cambodian country

reminded myself of the wisdom he knows

finding truths in his deep understandings

I'm heartened once more by this accuracy

such logic brings niceness's to well-being

yet remorsefully I'm touched by sadness's

as so many billions hath zero kind feeling