My heart is getting weaker

Still beating but enfeebled

The left and right ventricles

in morbid hypertrophy

My heart was self-sabotaged

Obsessions and compulsions

Potty-mouthed overeating

begetting double-stenting

My heart is malfunctioning

Still ticking but protesting

The pumping power denting

to a slow then swift demise

I used to puff

Nicotine buff

I used to toke

THC woke

I used to swig

Alcohol jig

I used to pop

Narcotic bop

I used to sniff

Nose candy riff

I used to fly

Druggy bye-bye

I'm a cannabis addict,

the 24/7 ganga junkie

A bhang drink abuser

like my herbs skunky

What I'm not is drink,

or speedballs on coke

I'm articulating verse

not insinuating jokes!

I want every suffering addict to know,

life pain drains of addictions go away

I want to write a new poem

I'm needing to discover one

Yet, where on Earth to look?

Anyplace you want my son!

Another addict on the run

Sadly chemically addicted

Fey highs and lows and on it goes

Dirty heart and mind conflicted

One more inner voice on the outs

Cruelly biologically lame

Punk gene pools caught in the crossfire

Rocky roads rife with blame and shame

Another addict bites the dust

Madly chronically dependent

Sick souls hooked on self-absorption

Bumpy birds made less resplendent

If its beer forgets it, I don't want to come!

My wise understanding now having fun

Eat and drink wine, I pass on the grapes,

last time I partook I couldn't see straight

Aperitif or cigarette, whiskies on the go?

Oh, I'm so glad I'm gonna miss the show

The years have flown

And we have grown into old men 

Time did not wait

But at least fate gave us a pen

Life has been good

As well it should for all kind twins

No more regrets

But taking bets on final spins

Last moves now done

And we had fun along the way

No going back

But what we lack is not today

Alrighty re-righty I love what you've done

I believe here and now editing can be fun!

We longed to fuck her,

but we could've loved!

We said 'tis all a game

karma fits like a glove!

Let this be my Manifesto!

Here now-n-nothin more

Christianity problematic!

you're going out the door

Christianity 'tis the enemy,

no one devil's mean streak

this 2000-year-old science,

condemn that Jesus freak!