There is but only one sure sooth

'Pon reflections in the mirror

Bald eye contact reveals the truth

Of barefaced conscience in the clear

I don't need cannabis to strengthen

a sweet, touchy-feely consciousness

I earned the deep sense of corniness

pushing pain past low's shallow lens

As do dual DNA strands,

twinly poetry spirals up

every verse 'tis a lifeline

each rhyme fills our cup!

It doesn't matter what any woman or man thinks

Or believes to know better than his sister or brother

For the faiths and axioms of one hominid to the next

Are indeed no more valid or important than the other

It only matters how we make good our sovran lives

Mapped out on moral compasses of our own choosing

Mooting for the sake of making right the minds of others

Is a flub by fruitless ego-trippers hooked on never losing

Please pass the Grey Poupon

From your seat across the table

Let all bygones be bygones

Being gracious if you're able

Please join me in this fête

From your place among the silver

Count each lining one by one

Being cautious not to pilfer

Please feast with me again

On your fleeting dining chair

Let love festoon the luau

Being unafraid to share

Write me some lyric about import,

wisdom's big wide picture of truth

anything nice and compassionate

beyond hedonism's selfish pursuit

We've each been hurt by another,

not every yet most've pushed pin

I pardon me now for my harpoon

and forgive you your barbing sin!

Buddha miracle

in the making

Souls rejoicing

Minds awaking

Grateful charity

for the asking

Heartstrings tugging

Bosoms basking

Time compressing

to point breaking

Love rehabbing

Loss forsaking

If might above the sword is sought, 

Then I will lift the pen.

But slay, dear uncle, poems do not,

Nor shall mine seek to win.

As for your second message late,

A quibble I'll raise high:

Though you and I will share one fate

And join the dust to die,

These words of ours might still live on.

Not will, I say—but might.

Maybe that's why we soldier on

to bring our words to light.

'Tis why we mustn't procrastinate,

creating a seminal now post haste

Our twin brains seem to ruminate

Same thoughts as seeds that germinate!

Life is like a coin toss

Of fifty-fifty


A lark within a fluke

From first flip to the

very last

Life is like a long shot

A game of luck and


A dark horse, blinders on

From first turn to the

final prance