Tug at my bawl bone, pull 'pon heart string

here now 'til oblivion, thy weep I shall sing

Humor places salve 'pon salvation,

laughing 'tis a balm o'er sunny sky

mopes tamed by chuckle ointment, 

heal me as doth giggling 'til I cried!

I cling to life cause my cells tell me to

I seek reasons they're saving my hide

Atoms said, "To our own lives be true."

DNA replies, "You're out of your mind."

Oh where oh where 'tis my Fitty Tuck,

the guxom birl with the name I adore?

She went down on a higolo gandsome

then came as a Qrench Fuarter whore!

Grand emotions are engrained in high summer,

this fantastic feeling comes to climax mid-July

making wishes that these days will last forever

'tis our hope such happy times won't pass us by

Pursuant to faiths 'tis a Psych tome

gone are Bibles, Torahs, and Korans

Vedas are fairytales of God's glories

made by fictitiously invisible hands

Topping the list of each Psych book

aping irrational, make-believe texts

are pinnacles of love sitting highest

'pon very tips of Homo-sapiens best

I took a walk to take a look

and stopped upon the road

Some years of tolls I'd paid

manifested here more load

Now the people passing by

from all homes brick or tin

Reminisce your travel well

as my new wayfare begins!

There once was ado about nothing

An assload of huffing and puffing

With but one play in mind

Of the hubristic kind

To the beat of flatulence gushing

Life is but a bouncing ball 

Upon the lyrics of a song 

Each hopping stop on the words

More poignant in a sing-along

Life is but a shortish psalm 

Upon the tablatures of time 

Each golden note on the sheets

In fellowship made more sublime

My sarcasm has a field day with faith

where the world meets a belief in God

sans proof I'm removed by skepticism

science theory reserving my applause

My two cents 'tis worth three cents

and neigh one coppered penny less,

if you've come to value legitimately

my friend you've arrived at the best

"One day, one day," Oun's reminding her Bong

as she sings it like that, he's hearing her song

a tune of renewal with sweet melodic amend

playing well their symphonic affection again