I screwed a lot of pooches

And dropped too many balls

I fumbled and I stumbled

Missing all the wake up calls

I got high on lead balloons

And badly crashed and burned

At length I came to nothing

Flouting lessons never learned

I routinely missed the mark

And fell flatly on my face

I blundered and I floundered

Fluffing off each self-disgrace

I executed poorly

And rolled way too many dice

By and large I came to know

Only love's what cuts the ice

Beyond the white capped sea

that sparkles in the golden light

Beyond the setting sun

that welcomes every starry night

Beyond the winks of time

that vanish in the flashing green

Remain the memories

that linger like a silent scream

Oh, show me the ugliness of power wielded wickedly,

I'll witness the brutal man's tyrannically violent eyes

A poem of redemption,

proof it's never too late

to Bob Marley our arse,

in positive accentuate!

being a poet 'tis easy

admitting you're one

manifested my truth

now penning poetry,

twins in old shallow

farewell to you fools!

My heart 'tis giving in!

thinner becoming thin

oh Buddha path I'm on

glad hearts sing along!

The things I loved the most

Turned out to go so wrong

And then chagrin set in

My fate a rough-hewn song

The bad moves never stopped

Of this the truth is stout

And here's the brutal news

My heart is giving out

The things I tried to do

Did not last very long

And then life went awry

My flaws a pounding gong

The damage has been done

Of this there is no doubt

And here's the simple truth

My heart is giving out

The Coconut Brothers lounged 'pon the Asian Sea,

cannabis infused coconut oil summoned intellect

playing chess eliminated idle thoughts of trouble!

Father had his time

Mother had hers too

Now we're having ours

Nothing we can do

On and on life goes

Genesis to doom

Make the most of it

Waltzing womb to tomb

Birth is a piebald prize

A fantastic freebee 

beating all baffling odds

Life is a far-out ride

A whimsical windfall

blooming fresh goldenrods

Death is a wanton woe

A frightening fate

betting on fabled gods

Where heaviness becomes weightlessness

as nothingness manifests away my reality

'tis where I'm near, waiting for everything!

I'm an enthusiast, nothing particular

more of everything totally testicular!

I fly by my ass as an out-of-box man,

curving in need and learning as can!