I've tasted quite a lot

the whole enchilada,

My anger is without,

sad cult in the Prada

Hate is the name of the game

Fueled by the reptilian brain

Minds on a much different plane

Unlike and yet quite the same

Hate is the name of the game

Bred by mad unrestrained shame

Chinwag the tip of the flame

Gossip the lark of the lame

The darkest part of me

Is black and black can be

A soulless raging flux

Of fail-safe storms at sea

The darkest park of me

Is raven as can be

A murky sullen tide

Of can't-miss misery

The lightest part of me

Is bright as bright can be

A soulful sunlit ball

Of sure-fire energy

The lightest part of me

Is lucent as can be

A carbon copy orb

Of far-flung mystery

What is evil?

Killing is evil, lying is evil, slandering is evil

abuse is evil, gossip is evil, envy is evil, hatred is evil

to cling to false doctrine is evil;...

And what is the root of evil?

Desire is the root of evil,...

Do not overate what you have received,

nor envy others. He who envies others

does not obtain peace of mind.

It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.

Stop being angry at me

can't you see I can see?

Ire in your cobalt blues

play me sorrowful true

Another b'day for the big guy

Earl the Pearl Jay Williams

Our mi casa, su casa buddy

Up in his big brute bungalow

A b'day salute to the the big guy

Nephew of Esther Gram's Williams

Our PB Rec, summer league brother

Up there in hardwood hoop heaven

Before we were woke, we just didn't know

hate's the antithesis of enjoying the show!

When my awake evolved, then I could see

each cell 'tis such perfect reflection of we!

Jesus is a magic mushroom gatherer

stored by his side in a brown satchel.

Jesus cultivating the finest of ganga,

'tis the truest story I will always tell!

The briefness and brevity of mortal longevity

The starkness and nullity of insignificant me

At first inconceivable, beyond unbelievable

Ripe fruit decomposing beneath the hoar tree

I lost a daughter too

My fault what can I do

Let go the wrenching rage

That rips each faded page

Embrace the hallowed truth

That steals our sinless youth

For broken hearts get healed

When sweeter dreams are sealed

I lost a daughter too

But hope can see us through

Be glad for your life there 'tis only the one

and glad leads to happy my fortunate son!

I'm cannabis only, but don't misunderstand

I'm not some fool with my head in the sand

I'm cannabis only, no whiskey, cigs, or beer!

I'm grateful to Buddha for releasing my fear

I'm cannabis only, my memories did return!

I'm happy working cannabis's butter churn