Our culture 'tis the cancer,
our cancer spreads so fast
Cancerous are our futures,
long as these cultures last
Our culture 'tis the cancer,
our cancer spreads so fast
Cancerous are our futures,
long as these cultures last
Death is looming looming looming
Death is waiting waiting waiting
Death is steady and consuming
Death is all about the gating
Death is smiling smiling smiling
Death is laughing laughing laughing
Death is daffy and beguiling
Death is all about the gaffing
Death is calling calling calling
Death is coming coming coming
Death is stony and appalling
Death is all about the numbing
We are the problem with the planet
We are the rabblement gone haywire
We are on the road to extinction
We are the next species to expire
We are the advocate in devils
We are the rank and file run amok
We are on deck for devastation
We are the next dry run out of luck
Oh, my god no, no no no no!
oh dear god no, no no no no
jesus christ no, no no no no
please my lord no no no no!
Dropping like flies
Flitting about
Stop with the lies!
Over and out
Slipping away
Playing pretend
Stop the charade!
Death is the end
Whatever I've known my Atoms knew already,
aware as I am, my Atoms are even more aware
for now, for lack of better proof, Atoms are God,
all things in the Universe are created by Atom!
Condemned to death
From conception
Without reprieve
No exception
Condemned to death
At lucky draw
Absent aegis
No longest straw
Condemned to death
First gasp to last
Minus rebirth
No gods to grasp
I'm the unshared product of a very devoted atom cluster
that's all there is there ain't no more
there is no God
poor devils
I no longer produce the chemicals that make me laugh
who wants another hamburger?
I'm a failure
Religion has a history
of tearing human life apart
And if proof is in the pudding
gods came out swinging from the start
Religion is a chronicle
of man-made mania gone wild
And if books are judged by covers
gods turned the screws each time they smiled
Religion is a travesty
of bossy men and feeble minds
And if seeing is believing
gods keep on pulling down the blinds
There is no God and there are no Gods,
god's a fiction of our odd imaginations
God's a word god's a noun god's a verb,
we can't touch god hear god or see god
We can discuss god or write about god,
we can feel the idea of god in our heart
God can't ever be person place or thing,
only a science ignorant child disagrees
Your words have brought me happy tears
'pon blissful meadow of ecstatic weeping
a warmth in your letters I clearly can feel
'tis the petal press book I've been seeking