I'm standing in the precipice of my crevasse

'pon slick snow, hardened ice, volcanic rock,

the fear I feel 'tis little more than heartbreak

at the windings down of my biological clock

Happy salutations

joy with less ado's,

Hoping these days

bring lovely to you

When I saw a new movie and the science wasn't fiction,

where future folks knew at last no gods had e'er existed

then with reasoning logic in their Factual Science Faith,

they shelved evil thinking and set wellbeing in its place

There'll be no more sitting in the dark, wondering about people who I love

Ixnay on the coexisting part, the moon rising 'pon one watched sky above

Claim no fudging lords on high

False make-do saving graces

Seek truth as a lifelong guide

In scientific places

Chase no prophets born to spoof

Fake saviors of salvation

Quest experimental proof

In factual summation

Jesus is now the old born King,

all Doctrine of Heaven 'tis dead

three levels of Heaven a falsity,

follow modern science instead!

Thank you for the lovely letter,

I so enjoyed reading the words 

sentence in audible sweetness

tell paragraph glad to be heard

The time of God religions steeped in antiquated scientific beliefs are over,

may we now together share in the peaceful days of Factual Science Faith

All that matters to me now

'tis that I 100 percent know

as any other human beings

reading this ode also know,

that I 100% thought science

to be the one truth on earth

as every aspect of God faith

'twas fiction written by fear

Now now, I'm in my now

I'm in my now now, now!

right ere, in my now now

When I've arrived at a Human Life Remanifestation Gate (HLRG)

enter an Earthbound Carbon Atom Reclassification Pod (ECARP)

I'm fearless, Godless men's beliefs in Factual Science Faith (FSF)

Sit in the sun

At least once everyday

Go do it now

And please do not delay

Sit in the sun

Feel the rays on your face

Get back outside

Where most cares are erased

Sit in the sun

While you still have the time

Soak up the beams

That make life so sublime

Sit in the sun

A yellow star baking

Right here and now

Good times in the making