Make your peace with it

do it now and don't wait,

as last breaths are taken

'pon all times of too late!

Make your peace with it,

here 'tis how in the shell

forgiving self and others

ring pixie's magical bell!

Be thankful stay tranquil

Moved by heartfelt gushing

Count on caring kindness

Now and ever loving

Be grateful stay wakeful

Stirred by zealous laughter

Dote on every moment

Here and ever after

As the Bongs make my new house,

my wife Eang's kin in abundances'

The grand greens of Cambodia roll

fueling gratitude in Buddha hearts

Thank you for the heartbeats

Between the kicks and crawls

For waves that lap the shore

Like hard and fast applause

Thank you for the deep breaths

Betwixt the ropes and floats

For flags that ride the tides

Like anchored pleasure boats

Thank you for the heartbeats

Between the rides and swims

For seas that steel the soul

Like atheistic hymns

Creating emotional devastation!

Botchy tattoo deep 'pon my skin.

Then ganga miracle manifested,

'Tis at last I'm beginning to win!

Such wee astronomical odds

One in 400 quadrillion

The likelihood of coming forth

For all stagey stuff vaudevillian

Such short-lived theatrical runs

From kickoff to culmination

The ne plus ultras vanishing

On the road to dour damnation

My job at Woody Brothers PR,

'tis analyzing sex chat sticker

I'll write about their endeavor,

eying sexy neighbor knickers

Still alive at 65

Bum hip and heart still going

Gimp and weak but still airborne

Old age and wrinkles showing

Still alive at 65

Keen zest for life still humming

Beat and licked but still aloft

On strings of longtime strumming

Still Alive at 65

Glad rosiness still blooming

Low on fuel but still in flight

My final crash site looming

I never learned how to share

quite tragic there in the now,

here in the moment I'm new

I see a share happiness how!

I'm not a Shaman, nor a Yogi, ne'er am I Buddhism Monk!

my USA upbringing cultures a misogynistic, macho punk

Mystic 'tis my rock star now, rendering superhero ascetic

never forgetting human fragilities are teetotally scientific

I lay on beds of rose petals

Handpicked from lush and lovely lawns

Fair-haired and sweet as fairy floss

Cast in the verdant hue of bronze

I lay on bunks of bugaboo

Adorned with sharp and fretful thorns

Saw-toothed and dark as magic stones

Culled from the horns of unicorns

I lay on cribs and cots I made

From rise to final curtain call

Unkempt yet snug as bugs in rugs

One grand bedmaking free-for-all!

Criminal dynasties have sharp businessmen

well-dressed, well-spoken, humorous as hell

Stomachs of the men digest sauce and sushi

have they sauteed their humanity, I can't tell