Oh, I'm feeling glory in your poem
pure power of a well human spirit
your ode 'tis Homo-sapiens hopes
re-boosting a Shakespearean love
Oh, I'm feeling glory in your poem
pure power of a well human spirit
your ode 'tis Homo-sapiens hopes
re-boosting a Shakespearean love
Poets, poems and poetry
May no longer be in style
Yet all human hearts and minds
Prize the perfect poesy smile
It lifts up jaded spirits
With beams of mystic power
No evilness can resist
The fragrance of its flower
Minstrels of the silver screen
Auteurs in the faddish light
Ply the muser's wonder drug
Human truth in all its might
Poets, poems and poetry
In all carnal forms and casts
Cannot perish from the world
For love though frail always lasts
At one time poetry ruled the world of intellectual literature
but tribalists and warmongers pushed sonnets out of favor,
misogyny and homophobia made jokes out of Shakespeare
as odes have gone from limelight to back-burner obscurity
Better to have loved than not
Better to at least have aimed
Splendid is the heart let go
Still all flings pan out the same
Better to have won than lost
Better to at least have strove
Sterling is the life made full
Still each turn's a treasure trove
Better to have lived than not
Better to at least have tried
Stellar is the life well lived
Still all runs are worth the ride
The Great Experiment has failed
Its tenants deftly hypnotized
One nation now divisible
By party lines thinly disguised
The democratic dream has died
Its ruling classes doubling down
One fair republic torn by greed
That stood its omnipotent ground
The patriotic pledge has tanked
It's promise flunking freedom's test
Once an unconquerable land
Now gaga as a cuckoo's nest
Their empathy's mangled by tangled sympathy,
and worn-out compassion wears torn gratitude
Aggression's higher than their lowest grammar,
envy's taken what well human beings will give
We played the wrong sport
A tragic bad turn
Sidelined by defeat
Bad move razor burn
We tumbled like weeds
Of dry delusion
Shortsighted by fate
In purblind fusion
We played the wrong sport
A dire crash-landing
Still walking away
Gimps in good standing
Please don't join them, and beat them when you can
as more extreme and radical 'tis better for kind man
a human culture homicidal 'tis Earth's suicidal bane
so please help us stop them, as status quo's to blame
The stars align and bring to life
The elements in human cells
A gang bang of atomic charts
Where enigmatic matter dwells
The supernovas intermix
The particles in earthborn bonds
An orgy of cosmic delight
Where nature governs magic wands
The plasma puts out mystically
The stardust bursts in chemic charm
A ravishment of molecules
Where atoms never buy the farm
My recipe of cells: A full array of molecules and atoms
this tasty dish invested swell in times of up and at 'em
life's predigested ingredients used over and over again
nibble here, morsel there, all product shall soon lessen!
How to die, hence, to fade
Ways to gamely give out
Pick a card, last bet made
With a grin or a pout?
How to die, hence, to part
Ways to proudly play out
Glass half full, heavy heart
In a predestined rout
How to die, hence, to leave
Ways to bravely bow out
Strike the set, time to grieve
No more clout in the shout
How to die, hence, to go
Ways to chastely check out
Tough to say, hard to know
When kismet is in doubt
You can't win if you don't play 'tis such a pile of crap
the play's the thing, free for all, right here in our laps
but you deny I'm playing now and tell me I'm a loser
yet the one thing I have to lose 'tis absolutely you sir