In the inevitable, cloaked face of the Reaper's scythe

we all do whatever necessary to save our own skins

jump from world trade centers, escape a searing fire,

or throw lottery stones into a face of forgetting twin!

Looking on the bright side

A point of path-forged wins

Filled with buoyant brass bands

No teeny violins

Letting all remorse go

A symphony of grins

Free from the anguished stings

Of weeny violins

I'm already broken by it all

Bob Dylan's life story floats like root beer

sweet and delicious yet unbreathable

like our father it choked me, so I turned it off

Watching pirate style free online

I couldn't get past Bob meeting Joan

they were young, him still unknown

and she already a star, but

I had nothing to tear for

no children, no family, no span

I'm a devoid human failure fragile as a glass giraffe

and I already know what happened to Bob

I've seen his life pass in real time

as mine has gone by for naught

and I'm already with the roots

I'm already drowned in fear

Bitten by a kissing bug in Puerto Escondido, Mexico

I saw the little bugger in my room

but don't remember if after or before the attack

yet unknown to my gringo eyes, I didn't recognize the insect then

Apropos for the horny old bastard which 'tis me

to be killed by an unwanted kiss

now, 15 years later, megacolon joins the melancholy

her symptoms are my massage, and sepsis shall be my doom

Let them out, set them free

All the demons inside

Seek the eye of the storm

There is no place to hide

Air it out, let it go

All the longing you feel

Find the truth in the fact

There is no better deal

No matter what you do

Wherever you may roam

The boos and big applause

Will mostly be your own

My humanity 'tis devoid

worthless, powerless 

rancid, like rotten bananas

putrid but fruitless

My art 'tis debauched

unworthy, meaningless

sickly, like stale root beer

creamy yet soured

Every word counts

Every word stays

Pieces of us

Gilding the page

Every word waits

Every word lasts

Poignant or plain

Flying half-mast

Every word weighs

Every word means

Lost but long-lived

Spilling our beans

Hanging out in Lahaina with my friend Christian Dave

playing games as chess jones, 'pon the sea wall all day

Along comes a kid who thought himself to be gangster

as he lured me with a jibe I waltzed in to challenge her

but I soon looked away, and he kissed me a right cross

moved my jaw with great force, offered up pain-n-loss

Yet my great spirit stepped in, so wonderful her sound

as she went forth high wind, burnt Lahaina to ground!

Just sit right down and scribe the words

some shall be golden, a few will be turds

Only let yourself dwell in boxes o'absurd

your mind 'pon the pen, as free as a bird!

I should simply pop up with something

I want to write the novella but I'm done

my atomic energy levels shan't allow it,

what can I say having yet to been said?

what then remains long after I'm dead?

Is being a poet a worthwhile of causes?

may odes heal the world, lessen losses!

I'm here 'pon my arse, pen moving fast,

'tis everything good to be a poet at last!

Life is heavy as big boulders

Booming down steep mountainsides

Massive much worn rocky masses

Rolling bumpy random rides

Life is also light as feathers

Floating in the weightless breeze

Plumages of barbuled branches

Bringing grown men to their knees

Life is leaden and yet fragile

Rushing on full steam ahead

Solid hefty fleeting echoes

Hanging by the thinnest thread