I'm going to war on Facebook, with my pitchfork sharpened and ready

I'm up against AR15s, as I'm committed now to courageous and steady

The billionaire has all the moola, me only wheat, rice, lentils and peas

the problem's his Animal Farm piglets, entitled to do what they please

they like to believe in all hogwash, of the 2000-year-old, fictional kind

oh, bloody class war's comin', and science won't back down this time!

I had a dream last night, a wonderful dream a fabulous dream

I dreamt karma rose up like a giant, raging wave upon the sea

her windswept scene unleashing a bloody revolution 'pon me

trump and musk, hanging dead on piano wire's all I could see

I shouted with joy, "oh 'tis a miracle that this can actually be!"

thought, now we can return to our USA lives a lot more freely

'Tis too little too late and nothing now can be done,

as inevitable here has every last chance on the run

zero hopes up my sleeve, no new rabbits in the bag

my odds of getting saved just continuing to go bad!

I've a curse 'pon my pox with karma of providence

but I admit to you dears my situation makes sense,

I manifested beds, by being ignorant of some truth

I gamed life as a fool, now I'll pay through the roof!

At some point men must bow to fate

To swallow choices good or bad

No turning back the hands of time

To should or could or would have had

At some point men must eat old crow

To cross their hearts and hope to die

No second bites more curative

To revel in rich humble pie

At some point men must take the fall

To raise the white flag blamelessly

No saving graces but for one

To age and wizen shamelessly

Death is an end to waking

Nicely in the morning light

Closing out all cognizance

Clinging to the last good night

Death is a halt to dreaming

Sweetly in the starry dark

Wiping out all memory

Fading in the final spark

Death is a stop to living

Finely in the daily sun

Blotting out all turning points

Adding up to one and done

Gods are not real

Gods are a yarn

Made up by oafs

Born in a barn

All gods are forged

All gods are mock

Followed by fools

Dumb as a rock

All gods are false

All gods are fake

Cooked up by clowns

Long on the make

Gods are not real

Gods are man-made

Worshiped by dolts

Expertly played

Life 'tis a trek, our one-way journey

came to the womb, left on a gurney,

life's an adventure, so they're sayin'

look at them, their answer's prayin'

Life's unknown, folding unplanned

formation dunes in hourglass sand

Life is a dance

A do-si-do

From square peg one

To tagged big toe

I've always been sad, I forever felt blue

no longer denying I know it's my truth,

receiving bad karma or tortured artist?

oh hell, I've become a short bucket list!

The human being is a monstrous thing

Pettily ironbound and out to lunch

Braindead to truth and scientific fact

A stimulus and response one-two punch

The human mind is a defective thing

Thick and metamorphically waning

Prone to the faux pas of half-baked thinking

The plight of all scientists in training

Mr. Spock knows, Western culture's the joke!

Who's hot who's not, who's high 'pon a coke?

Spock understands all fads turn on the dime,

that entertained masses are evolving behind

In glee and with joy our mob misses the fact!

'Tis naught but trivia neath one's gratify hat?

All Science Officers know our jerkwater fluff,

and train up once, no more nonsensical stuff

Tit for tat, please leapfrogs leap

one floats frolic, one dives deep

happy cop, sad cop, all so same

Bard twins play a poetry game!