Life begins and then it ends
And as a rule ends badly
Death awaits all living things
And shows no mercy sadly
Life is but a minstrel's song
And at long last sings dirges
Doom headlines each closing act
Where luck and fate converges
Life begins and then it ends
And as a rule ends badly
Death awaits all living things
And shows no mercy sadly
Life is but a minstrel's song
And at long last sings dirges
Doom headlines each closing act
Where luck and fate converges
Up and down, down and up
Seesaw in full swing
High and low, low and high
Kiss the roaming ring
Down and up, up and down
Dead heat all the way
Low and high, high and low
Needle in the hay
Here we go, do-si-do
Yo-yo on the wing
Do-si-do, here we go
See the caged bird sing
Driven like Bob Dylan sans cigarettes, youth, or beer,
hell bent on rhyming, well before an audience cheer
Words are in there somewhere begging to be shown
only different here, my odes shall remain unknown!
My moods are on a 24 clock, 'tis manic militia time
I'm half past depression now just in time for rhyme
dropped blue yesterday, with upbeat swing I'm fine
yeah, the suicide watch's over, 'pon odes I will dine!
We're the Lilly twin's poetry penning equivalent,
of the Lennon and McCartney songwriting team
and to be known long after death like Dickinson
'tis our help each other one line at a time dream!
At this exact moment in time
here in the now of Eckhart Tolle
I'm a human being in full orbit
viewed from the dark side whole
I'm revolving into sunlight
finding joy and peace and love
as an astronaut for all humanity
drifting 'pon the stars above
I'm no Dickinson, yet I certainly feel as do you
a longing to express something good and true!
I'm not a Longfellow, never been & never shall
yet I like to think, Shakespeare would be a pal!
I don't compare to Wordsworth, no way in hell
but like you I'm a romantic, I hope you can tell!
I'll take s'more cheese, please
And drink your latest whine
Jake poetic juices
Make a cracking place to dine!
When I find that magnificent emotional place again
where a glorious feeling of overpowering, victorious love
crashes head-on into my tender and lonely human longing,
where justice breaks each solstice with purity and goodness
where planet bending care soars as the warmhearted light of day
then, I'll go to said spot and stay joyfully on such mark
weeping ecstatically as the mighty, trembling oak
in jubilant hopes of earthlings living in splendor!
No more whining, we're okay, all 'tis well!
I release complaint, lose my personal hell
The more I face the gloom,
the less pity 'pon my room
do not for my own despair,
I simply seek grateful flair
I'm throwing heartfelt stones
With earnestness that hurts
Breaking brittle shackles
On lucent just deserts
Let's build a stout glasshouse
On truthfulness well-heeled
Turning new leaves over
With kisses sweetly sealed