Another year has passed
One more is on the way
They all go by so fast
A sad but true cliche
Another year has passed
Not one is here to stay
They land but do not last
A bon voyage buffet
Another year has passed
One more is on the way
They all go by so fast
A sad but true cliche
Another year has passed
Not one is here to stay
They land but do not last
A bon voyage buffet
When our Solar System's Sun,
Red Giants and White Dwarfs
disintegrating Earth to ashes,
let all buckle up with Buddha
As my hard wire flashing hot,
destroy each loving kindness
bringing gladness's inflamed,
let all buckle up with Buddha
Since the evil people can win,
still nothing doth live as then
and we human can't see well,
let all buckle up with Buddha
What do you do
What do you say
When you turn the wrong screw
And get lost in the fray
What do you say
What do you do
At the end of the day
When not one word rings true
What do you do
What do you say
When you stage your own coup
And last hopes go astray
What do you say
What do you do
In the least heartless way
When bad karma comes due
I have a bad relationship with food
Food psyches me out in many different ways
It controls and confounds me to no end
Putting me a puppet food fight maze
My marionette strings are reclusive
Attached to my brain by some fuzzy force
They pull and tug on my mind all day long
Filling me with raw food for thought remorse
Some people think food fights are so funny
But I don't think they're any fun at all
They twist me up into puppet string knots
Making me a runaway food rag doll
When she was only three months old
It was a stupid thing to do
My selfishness so very cold
Betrayal and abandonment
The distance growing day by day
Too many broken promises
Till there was nothing left to say
I never met the sons she had
River first and then came Jasper
Would not devour their fair-haired mugs
Nor eat up their boyhood laughter
I left my daughter in the lurch
My grandsons lost out of the gate
A punishment fit for a fool
Who learned his lesson far too late
It doesn't matter what we've said
as every word had voice in anger,
and naught spoken 'twas too vile
only poor judgement as insult sir
Here forgiveness 'tis new needed
as lone speech shan't break bone,
utter now in undo's consequence
or wallow as your 'too late' moan
Two peas in a pod
Fingers together
Unbreakable bond
Birds of a feather
Identical twins
Attached hard-and-fast
Fighting and flighting
Innately die-cast
It's hard to find true peace of mind
In part nearly impossible
From baby steps to giant leaps
A path all but uncrossable
It's hard to see the truth of life
Rather almost unbearable
From geniture to point of death
A predetermined parable
Why do some hold on to the sway
Big dogs of notoriety
Why do some hang on by a thread
Pushovers of society
What makes us hold on either way
Earthlings of bearability
What makes us hang on to the last
Top species of nobility
Why are some hawks and others prey
Fat cats of flash supremacy
Why is mankind a rotten race
Slow death the only remedy
Oh, what's the matter with we human beings?
Our brain running modes of pure malfunction
Neanderthal's still here in gray tissue looping,
with destructive crocodilian button functions
Oh, but of all the billions of we Homo-Sapiens'
Caucasian 'tis by millimeter a cruelest savage
yet if we as a species out live a simian's mind,
let Science be our new and conquering adage!
No one knows the exact hour of their death
Nor can count the lag end slip of seconds
We know only one last hour awaits us
Until our own sudden death knell beckons
No one knows exactly where they're headed
Nor can ken the next plane of existence
We know only one last breath postdates us
Before the long path of least resistance
It's just us now
Two twins in a tank
Battle-scarred sharks
Circling empty waters
It's just us now
Two twins on the lam
Cold-blooded brutes
Deep-sixing sons and daughters
It's just us now
Two twins at the edge
Hardwired fish
Plunging on teeter-totters