Looking back into the passage of the past

Deep into the long straight hole of existence

Where unremitting memories start and stop

Like subways click-clacking from out of the dark

Seeking truth inside the tunnel of lost time

Dark beyond the illuminated exits

Where regrets and pure delights step on and off

Like tourists seeking out the finest locales

Beating back against the rushing cavern walls

Chanced upon each arrival and departure

Where wayward spirits reach out for one last ride

Like ghosted hobos hoping all is not lost

It used to be so fun

But not at all fun now

Bum hip and clogged leg veins

All screaming holy cow

It used to sound so cool

But not at all cool now

Cocaine and cigs and booze

All holier than thou

It used to be so nice

But not at all nice now

Blocked heart and damaged lungs

All crying chow for now

A small yellow fish

tags along with me

Darting to and fro

in the clear blue sea

A small yellow fish

chases after me

Staying out of reach

like a humblebee

A small yellow fish

swims alone with me

Moving side by side

in pure harmony

Though I stand on a hill

surrounded by death

I will fight as a rule

to my very last breath

Though I rest on a cliff

with doom on all sides

I will dote more or less

on my bullish last rides

Though I wait in a place

knowing not when or how

I will hope on the whole

for a clean final bow

I want to soar

I want to fly

Like a bird in the sky

I want to drift

I want to roam

Like a dog with no home

I want to run

I want to hide

Like a runaway bride

I want to live

I want to romp

Like a thing in a swamp

I want to feel

I want to stay

Like a long summer day

There is no dead reckoning

For those lost in naivete

They believe what they believe

Not what truth and science say

There is no awakening

For those trapped by lunacy

They insist what they presume

Often evil-mindedly

There is no dead reckoning

For those blind to subterfuge

They know only what they know

Much like Ebenezer Scrooge

When it's time to go

Crow for all you had

Make peace with your life

Choices good and bad

When it's time to go

Kvell for all you made

Pardon your free will

Ofttimes badly played

When it's time to go

Vaunt for all you saw

Wipe your whole slate clean

With leave-taking awe

Be thankful stay tranquil

Moved by heartfelt gushing

Count on caring kindness

Now and ever loving

Be grateful stay wakeful

Stirred by zealous laughter

Dote on every moment

Here and ever after

Thank you for the heartbeats

Between the kicks and crawls

For waves that lap the shore

Like hard and fast applause

Thank you for the deep breaths

Betwixt the ropes and floats

For flags that ride the tides

Like anchored pleasure boats

Thank you for the heartbeats

Between the rides and swims

For seas that steel the soul

Like atheistic hymns

Such wee astronomical odds

One in 400 quadrillion

The likelihood of coming forth

For all stagey stuff vaudevillian

Such short-lived theatrical runs

From kickoff to culmination

The ne plus ultras vanishing

On the road to dour damnation

Still alive at 65

Bum hip and heart still going

Gimp and weak but still airborne

Old age and wrinkles showing

Still alive at 65

Keen zest for life still humming

Beat and licked but still aloft

On strings of longtime strumming

Still Alive at 65

Glad rosiness still blooming

Low on fuel but still in flight

My final crash site looming

Do not go gently is for gulls

Winging at the speed of light

Proud peacocks spreading jauntily

Their feathers of divine birthright

For that good night is for the birds

Held captive by audacity

Vain fettered fowl behind blear bars

Imprisoned by rapacity