The dead don't know they lived

They do not know they came

There are no souls on high

And none consumed by flame

The dead don't know they died

They do not know they left

There are no hopes or dreams

For mortals laid to rest

The dead don't know they were

They do not know they passed

There are no promised lands

And nothing ever lasts

This is all you get

This is what you got

Think of all you felt

And the joy it brought

This is all you have

This is what you had

Think of all you saw

And be mostly glad

This is all you are

This is what you were

Think of all you did

And sleep well monsieur

A faulty man

A bad brother

A worse father

A selfish dick

A troubled soul

A born loser

A lamer duck

A toxic prick

Life is uncontrollable

Loose cannons on sinking ships

Death is inconsolable

Last rosebuds on writhing lips

See twins write

Watch words flow

Poem twin talk

Go blog go!

Believe what you want

Suppose what you need

Belief is for fools

who follow one creed

Presume what you must

Daresay what you will

Pretense is for cocks

who squawk on a hill

Decide what you please

Surmise what you wish

Belief is for geese

who swallow dead fish

There are no streams of consciousness

Beyond the wide white pearly gates

No spectral glints of ghostliness

Where nothing but the blue moon waits

There are no thoughts or memories

Beyond the broad black deathly door

No gushing thoughts of gratitude

Where goose eggs hatch forevermore

There are no thrones of sanctity

Beyond the truth sound science knows

No starstruck gasps of righteousness

Where nothing but illusion goes

Life's a bumpy bittersweet ride

Death's the last lousy ticket out

Life returns what you make of it

Death removes all lingering doubt

The hardest part is letting it all go

Forgiving and forgetting what has past

The regrets and misjudgments sticking out

like sore thumbs never meant to last

The easy part is holding onto life

Enjoying and embracing here and now

The loved ones and liaisons lending mirth

to rue that burgeons with each ciao

Married four times without a charm

All good women who tried their best

Plenty of fouls and too much harm

Rattled thoughts refusing to rest

Wedded four times without a clue

All sweet ladies who loved their spouse

Barrels of fun and fat to chew

Selfish ends destroying each house

Mated four times with one last chance

One great gal who stayed the tough course

Lashings of care and constancy

Putting it all on a dead horse

I'll stay put and go the distance

Which isn't far but now must do

I'm fresh out of second chances

And here my last three loves are true

I'll hold back and stay the course

Which isn't long but now replete

I'm plumb out of tricks up my sleeves

And here the stuff of life is sweet

I'll hang tight and live my best life

Which isn't much but now can mend

I'm all out of dandy landings

So here I'll stay until the end

Be cool not just for school

Coolness is the best rule

Stay cool don't be a fool

Chill pills make happy fuel