A poem a day, but the doctor still came quick

he'd just come from Rocky Raccoon's bedside

my Adam's apples, with the head thrown back 

jutted like one swelled, apelike simian knuckle

then into my gaped mouth the MD gurgled gin

and my rhyme fell into silent, gargled darkness

I need to run yet I'm plum out of map

I want to hide but I'm glowing orange 

Science facts father dreamed heavily of writing a book,

but his literary wish got strewn upon shipwrecked hope

I'm not slow, I'm hindered, somewhat hamstrung,

the reason unrecognizable as a blurry eyed chart

imperceptible as fools gold woven into a 60's vest

yet with effects noticeable as embroidered scarlet

I can't let go the feeling everything is touching me,

my moments like the Forrest Gump opening scene

with nonstop, nostalgic and searing contemplation

of melancholic moods steeped in life's shallowness

Everyone loves a museum, yes we all want to be amused,

can't say the same 'bout History, how on Earth's that true?

Mentally I'm a bear 

killing & devouring

prey and foe alike

Emotionally I'm a lamb

cowering & quivering at

the signs of daily stress

Literally I'm a human

my thought processes

guiding me unto infinity

The fake news of eternal life is a huge problem here

eternal life for individual living beings isn't an option

thinking they're going to live forever in paradise with

their Gods has the Earthlings rumbling upon Harleys

The sight and sound of these obese liars is sickening

the truth is the only eternity happening on this planet

is the eternal life of the atomic materials being used

accepting this'd bring a quiet humility into our world

Crooked are the crooks but their potencies are waning

the windup clock's demise is the end of all complaining

every energetic choice is the master's moral movement

as handles comes to rest there's only history remaining

What'd you do today, or what're you doing today?

thinking about you, wondering how your days are

hoping they're filled with warm light and joyful love

wishing for tranquility and peace from here on out

while contemplating my constant use of poetry to

communicate with a world seemingly out of focus

as a human being named Jesus once told his God

paraphrasing, "they don't know what they're doing!"

Sense of humor save me, please never leave my side

sense of humor soften the brutal hardness of my ride

Stay strong, yes?

but for how long?

Until you cannot

anymore, amigo. 

I've put the 'B" into busy ness

business put a bee unto free

I've removed 'L' from laziness

claiming all busy ness for me