Scrambling for the next gigs

trucking toward a new place

boogying at things unknown

This is my life every moment

compelled by speed and light

a truth lying here now within

You put the dips in dipsticks

you're what's stuck in the oil

thinking of you reminds me,

of pinpricked pusses in boils

You're not going to make it right are you

you're stuck like a mouse in a sticky trap

your worthless ego took the stinking bait

leading you in hurried scurry to oblivious

Dead like those open-eyed, still life mice  

sad as the tears of self-pity and remorse

unable to break free, stillborn to mercies

no forgiveness gone away without asking


Lolly said something earlier about 

most of us being ultimately imperfect, 

but even if we make mistakes, 

done terrible things, 

we can try to make things right, 

and that's what matters.


Say you're sorry, get on your knees

come from a place of pure humility

You'll feel better in a brighter world

where unconditional love flourishes

Man, it's so darn easy to be kind

just too damn hard to be mean,

yet your cruelty used against us

becomes the worst it's ever been

Her shining truth hath slayed you,

your twistedness here spotlighted

The one truly alone is quite evident

who's the happiest man now? I am!

Take my criticism like a man

throw yours right back at me

just please no deletions dude

I've some worthy writing here

and I desire to keep on with it

Don't take your balls and run

not one now needs cowardice

ne'er tails between our legs sir

songs of one another are mute

let us face the musical head on

He's vicious, like a rabid dog

attacks without provocation

going straight for the jugular

Bites even his closest family

rips and tears their emotions

crazy with self-righteousness

Oh I'm a cuckoo bird, yes I'm a nut off the block

and you'll know it's true when you hear me talk

My prattlings on are like delusions of grandeur

a vision of reality in a haze of pipe dreams blur

The emotional stability of mice beneath chairs

comes to minds as my drama's to much to bear

This wont ever heal, and a change shall never be 

for we're stuck with all this until death set it free

I ran away because of fear, my doubts in high regards

you asked my why I didn't know, how intellect retards

We went to sunset, 22, sat upon a Mission Beach wall

I couldn't relax, I went away, you were quite appalled

Mitch knows my truth; he sees a blindness inside me

all development sunken long ago, lost in stormy seas

When I'm dead I won't be looking down upon anyone

and I certainly won't be watching from some heaven

because the atoms, molecules, and cells making up 

my sight sense organs will be destroyed, they won't 

function anymore, so I won't be able to see anything 

and if I'm dying of cancer I'm not going to beat it, no, 

I'm going to join it, and ride life's amazing death wave  

for long as my soon to be un-surfable materials allow