When I heard from you today

a wispy weep flew to my peep

in ecstatically delightful ways

your writ tugs within me deep

Ruminating zie all

each and every day

hir family's totality

In faithful memory

'pon forget xem nix

solely zir loving ver

To every good dad out there,

for yes reasons at everything

doting care upon all children

through thickly's and thinly's

not mattering why's and what

sincere I give low bow to thee,

as Middle Earth unto Hobbits!

To fully understand how joys

can be lulled from facial sails,

makes inquiries of the joyless.

A deep, dull pain has paraded my skeleton

blasting music in a stage surrounding hips

unlike the driven Dallas Buyer's Club dude,

I'm here now to play those morphine drips!

Sometimes doctors of poetry,

always for patients' own good

must force feed their limerick

I don't take them, I give them

thine healing, soothing balms

One said it's her favorite

another made references

to movie bong hit blurbs

See sincerity vs sarcasms

eying positives-negatives

then chart who's happiest

The good ones are each sweet

our friend, lovers and mothers

It's all okay and everything does matter

life's a tea party, I'm the cinnamon buns

I see triple rainbows on hopeful horizon

red, purple, green, my happy joys of love

Poems are my means of making

earthy, Homo-sapient ecstasies

The more I write the less I need

while unitedly taking more love

Ernest using a shotgun

ending his misery at 61

my poems are sad truth

Bards hath spoke it best

we're each and everyone

of destiny's insignificant