Hear, hear and a huge Christmas cheer
for dear glimmer of hope and affection
may the gratitude and love of Who girl
shower us with compassion's intention
Hear, hear and a huge Christmas cheer
for dear glimmer of hope and affection
may the gratitude and love of Who girl
shower us with compassion's intention
If you're celebrating the holidays of this western world
but don't think your family's the most important being
then you're a poor, deluded, shithole of a human-thing
with festively colored Xmas ornaments in a nasty twist
Oh! You mustn't be a rock
nor live 'pon lonely island,
seek thee help dear friend,
troubled waters find them!
If Jesus Christ is niceness
a gift of giving generosity
then I am same humanity
as his kindness within me
The North Pole, Antarctica
nature's twin phenomena's
a converse of melancholies
forged in mistaken identity
Oh, if only I'd seen it sooner, he lamented
all my wise and sweet human compassion,
be so gratefully glad you found it, she said
many unfortunately poor people never do!
I once held title to idiocy
as an Idiot King I reigned
saved by a late awareness
I'm now a-hole redeemed
Yet I'm peasant imperfect
an Excaliber stuck on rock
forget all kindheartedness
I'm a revert at being a cock
I watched as the dog scratched
behind its right back leg with a
rear left paw, vying to reach an
itch over an unattainable rump
Walking away I saw the outside
of self-awareness, and knew I'd
chomped down on a fate bone I
no longer had chance to eschew
As I leashed to my decided hope
the final choice here now known
I do remember a grandiose place
'tis me upon spot fetching better
I'm a poem God,
literarily sapient
yet editor flawed
I'm writing ready
a sonnets creator
draft clever lyrics
fantastical rhyme
pen miracle's ode!
In deathly quiet reaches of a lonelier outer space
where each matter inanimate lives via atom face,
majestic nothingness rules upon a darkness rune
and Universal Lord sings silent melancholic tune
Yet in noisy atmospheres of Earth's human songs
where beastly organism doth dutifully play along,
a being's light within 'tis brightness we'll call love
and all-pervading, everlasting, immortality above
May the truthfully good,
unconditionally amiable
childlike love of progeny
bless our empathies now
Our inspiration's never silly,
so, disregard every naysayer
do what you like and love it!